German Language Online Courses
Customized - experienced native speaker

About me

Hello, I am Silvia Maria and welcome you to my web page.

Languages - their learning and teaching as well as their linguistic analysis - were key aspects of my studies and are the focus of my professional work.

I am a native speaker and have been teaching German as a foreign language at levels A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 for almost 20 years. I have met many nice people from all over the world. All the participants have touched me with their stories from different cultures and broadened my horizon. We have learned from each other. This was made possible by a common language - in our case it was German.

Do you like the mountain scenery on my homepage? I would like to accompany and motivate you on your way into the wonderful "scenery" of the German language. Step by step we will climb "mountains" together - first the small ones, then the bigger ones. It doesn't matter whether you are a beginner or already have some previous knowledge. You will become better and better at understanding, speaking, reading and writing our beautiful language - and perhaps also start loving it. 

If you already have previous knowledge, I will help you to consolidate, improve and develop it - according to your needs in individualized, small courses. 

As you learn the German language, you will also immerse yourself in German culture and everyday life. I promise you: It will be exciting! I look forward to meeting you. 


Silvia Maria