German Language Online Courses
Customized - experienced native speaker

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Do you have any questions? Here you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions.

1. What learning material do you use?

I work with both digital and printed learning material and combine modern teaching methods with tried and tested ones. I will let you know in good time before the course starts which textbooks you should get.

2. What software and hardware do you use?

All you need for online lessons is a PC, laptop, tablet or smartphone and a stable internet connection.
I use the video conferencing software "Zoom Meetings" for the lessons. You can participate with your terminal device both web-based with your Internet browser or via the (free) desktop and smartphone app "Zoom".

3. What is your teaching method?

I am one of the "old hands" and consequently have a lot of experience both in teaching and in dealing with people from different cultural backgrounds, also due to many years of working abroad. 
I combine teaching methods that have been tried and tested over many years with the educational concepts and digital tools of today.
In my courses I teach grammar, vocabulary, listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing and speaking. This way, you will soon be able to join conversations on life's practical issues without being shy.
My individual courses address beginners as well as learners with previous knowledge and are tailored to your needs. Would you like a one-to-one course or a course with other people around you? Would you like a course with lessons that build on each other, a course on specific topics or a conversation course? Let's discuss it.

4. How do I register?

You first book a consultation in our calendar and transfer a consultation fee of 15,00 € to our PayPal account (see details during booking). This fee will later be credited to the course fee. After receipt of payment I will send you a zoom link for your appointment.

During the consultation (approx. 30 minutes) you will explain how you would like to learn German or improve your existing knowledge. Together we will discuss which path is the most suitable for you. If you are a beginner without any previous knowledge, the conversation can be held in English.

5. What are the period times?

I teach on weekdays (Monday to Thursday) from 14.30 to 16.00 (CET). My experience has shown that a 90-minute double period (2 x 45 minutes) is most effective.
In exceptional cases, these times can be changed - we should discuss this during the consultation.

6. What are the course models?

I offer both  - individual courses and group courses. After individual agreement we can model a course according to your wishes.

7. How much are the course fees?

The course fee depends on the number of course participants.

  • Consultation appointment:       15,00 € (30 minutes, later crediting to course fee)
  • Course unit:                                 38,00 € (45 minutes)
  • Example (4 persons):                 09,50 €/person (45 minutes)
  • Other course models:                individual arrangements (regarding number of persons, times  and fees)